Today we got up to the same grey, rainy weather best known here in Alaska. After a great breakfast at the lodge, Rich and I got on the Point Break with Mac for another rough but more productive day. We ran out to look on the outside and the swell had decreased from the day before to 4 to 6 feet with 8 to 12 knots of wind. We took a quick run around the salmon hole and decided to work our way back in not seeing any sign of life in the means of bait or moving fish on the meter. We hit the bomber spot (Black Bass) for limits and Rich hit the jackpot with a very good size Yellow eye as the highlight of our drifts.
We ran over to the inside Halibut hole and preceded to get a fairly quick limit of chikens (28 to 40" fish) with a couple good ligs including a keeper in the slot for Rich. Nothing big yet on the flat side but there are a few more days left and who is to say when the multi digit fish show up.
With time running out in the day we ran back out to the salmon hole and mooched for an hour with one bite and no fish to show. The trip so far has been on the slow side but the weather is looking up for the next few days and we are looking for the window so we can get out to the fishing grounds in front of the Cape to put a hurt on the big guys.
Hopefully tomorrow will be the day. I will keep you posted.
Until tomorrow.
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