Today we woke to rain and wind at the lodge hoping for the best we set out for the harbor to get on the point break. Didn't seem that bad while we were running out until we hit the rock pile (half way mark) towards the cape. At this point we decided to abort the morning Salmon run and run directly to the Halibut hole. We got to the spot with friendly 20 to 25 mph gusts of wind and solid 4 to 8 foot seas we put the baits down and proceeded to fish for the next three hours without a bite except Mac's favorite, the occassional Ratfish. After about four hours on the spot we saw a few Big, Big Lings 40 plus pounders, we got our first Halibut which Theresa put on the deck. Within about thirty minutes we caught two more fish about twenty pounds each plus several sharks including a blue shark by Rich.
The weather continued to get worst and worst which made us finally pull the hook and head in, which for trips was a terrible feeling knowing we were about to get the crap kicked out of us.
We have had a slower trip than normal but with a focused approach we have caught our share of fish.
I have had a great time with my buddy Rich not only fishing but at the lodge, sharing all the moments from twenty plus years of fishing. Theresa has enjoyed the reading time every night, taking advantage of the quiet time without our three kids and the daily fire drills.
We have one more day on the water and we look forward to filling out a days Salmon limit.
Until we blog tomorrow.
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